
Completed Project
Dec 1, 2021
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Aboriginal Housing Victoria

Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV), a community-led organisation managing over 1,500 rental properties for Aboriginal and Torres Strait people in Victoria, embodies the strength and resilience of First Nations People. This strength exists despite inadequate access to affordable and appropriate housing. An issue which is complex and multi-faceted, rooted in dispossession and dislocation and one that requires action beyond architectural intervention alone. First Nations Peoples are disproportionately impacted by: housing market failure; family violence and breakdown; institutionalisation; poverty of household material resources; and a lack of culturally appropriate mainstream housing services. ⁠⁠

Recognising the need to significantly increase the amount of their available housing stock, AHV engaged Breathe to design their first multi-residential social housing project. AHV has been a strong guide throughout this process, providing clear direction on culturally appropriate design. ⁠⁠Find out more.